A Dream Come True

Herminia and Gerardo wanted so much to be parents. After unsuccessful fertility treatments, they thought about helping children who needed homes. A family friend recommended Wayfinder for fostering children with the potential to adopt.

Wayfinder trained and certified Herminia and Gerardo as foster parents The couple was excited—and a little nervous—when they received call in 2020 from a Wayfinder social worker about fostering two sisters, ages 7 and 2. “We opened the door, and we fell in love with them,” says Hermina, with tears in her eyes. “They’re good girls.”

Herminia and Gerardo adopted the girls in 2023 when it was clear that they could not be reunited with their parents. “We got the opportunity to become their parents officially,” says Herminia. “It’s been the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us.”

Next, Wayfinder asked the family to foster an 8-day-old boy. He is now 18 months old, and Herminia and Gerardo are in the process of adopting him.

“We love being a foster family, even though the kids have gone through a lot of situations with their birth parents,” Herminia says. “It’s amazing getting to know the kids and giving them a family.” Herminia feels as though their hearts expand with each addition to the family.

This year, Wayfinder approached Herminia and Gerardo again. Their little boy has three half sisters who needed a foster home with the possibility of adoption. Herminia wanted to take the girls, but there was a problem: Their apartment had no more room. Gerardo noticed their next door neighbors were moving. “Why don’t you ask the landlord if he can put the two apartments together?” Gerardo suggested.

Herminia doubted the landlord would want to do this, but she asked him anyway. To Herminia’s surprise, the landlord agreed. “I know you wanted to be parents,” he explained. “Why not give you an opportunity to bring up the kids that you want.” With the two apartments combined, the three sisters joined the family.

“I have six kids now. I always thought I was going to have one or two maximum,” Herminia says. “God has given us the opportunity to be parents for those six kids, and I wouldn’t change anything.”

“I’m so grateful to Wayfinder. They have been amazing,” says Herminia. “If I need something I call. They always help me. I wouldn’t be a mom without Wayfinder.”

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December 4, 2024

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