Wayfinder Blog

Category: Vision Loss and Blindness

Wayfinder Moment: Golden Gate Bridge

Congratulations to Jon, a recent graduate of Wayfinder’s Hatlen Center in San Pablo, Calif. The Hatlen Center is an immersive residential program for adults with vision loss, who gain skills to live independently. After seven months in the program, Jon was ready to take his final exam. He chose to travel by himself to meet…

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Wayfinder Brings STEAM to Students With Visual Impairments

Wayfinder partners with Cal State Los Angeles to train the next generation of teachers of the visually impaired in the ExCel Academy. Student teachers gain valuable, hands-on experience with a broad array of children who have varying levels of sight and additional disabilities. In fall semester 2018, Cal State L.A. faculty and Wayfinder staff supervised…

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National White Cane Safety Day 2018

Today Wayfinder staff and students celebrated National White Cane Safety Day. The day celebrates the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired and the white cane, a symbol of independence. The residents and students in Wayfinder’s programs for the visually impaired are learning how to navigate public spaces and transportation, use assistive technology and…

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Camper doing ropes course up in the trees

S. Mark Taper Foundation Supports Wayfinder’s Camp Bloomfield

Children with multiple disabilities get to a chance to thrive in a traditional summer camp setting Malibu, CA (July 1, 2018) Wayfinder Family Services Camp Bloomfield is celebrating its 60th year of giving children with disabilities the chance to experience summer camp just like their peers. The 40-acre campground was donated to the organization by…

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Side By Side: Katrina and Mason

“We’ll travel along, singing a song, side by side…” Two 8-year-olds, Katrina and Mason, sang this lyric on their first day at a music program for the blind, nine years ago. Katrina remembers, “I felt like the song was a message to him. I felt like it would be a good idea to be his…

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A young man sits at a desk with his employer

Javi’s Strength

Javi has always had a positive spirit, but even he had doubts about what his future would hold. Visually impaired since birth due to optic nerve hypoplasia (underdeveloped optic nerves), he wondered if he would be able to succeed in college, get a job and live on his own. Everything changed when he attended a…

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A student of The Hatlen Center independently guides herself through a grocery store using a white cane

Madison Finds Her Independence

After high school, Madison, who has optic nerve hypoplasia, decided to continue living at home while she attended her local community college. Living in a small town with limited public transportation meant she had to depend on the kindness of friends and family to get to and from class and anywhere else she wanted, or needed,…

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A young boy who is visually impaired paddles a kayak, guided by two volunteers at the Wayfinder Paralympic Games

Ryan Achieves the Impossible

Ryan isn’t your average athlete. He is totally blind and has autism, so finding sports that meet his unique needs is difficult, to say the least. Playgrounds, community sports teams and schools often lack the resources and equipment to engage athletes with disabilities. So, for years, Ryan did not have the opportunities his sighted peers…

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An adult who is blind reads Braille while sitting at a countertop

Ronnie Reclaims His Independence

Over seven years, Ronnie became completely blind. When he lost his sight, he also lost his livelihood and independence. “I’ve always taken pride in my ability to do things on my own, so when I lost my sight, I thought I would need to depend on other people for everything,” says Ronnie. “It was the…

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