Wayfinder Blog

Category: Wayfinder Moments Newsletter

Vera Brown, a volunteer from Wayfinder's early days, spent countles hours pamperig the young women in our programs

A Family Affair

Angela Brown has faithfully volunteered at Wayfinder Family Services for more than 50 years. “When I was 10 years old, I went to the circus with my mother as a volunteer and we escorted children from what was then the Foundation for the Junior Blind,” remembers Angela. “We all had so much fun together.” Her…

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Amir Atashi Rang - Quote reads: "We can make the world a better place through giving to those in need."

Standing With One Hand to Give

Amir Atashi Rang experienced hardship and turmoil as a child. As an adult, he lives his father’s mantra, “Stand with one hand to give and the other to receive.” Amir spent his early childhood in Iran at a time of great unrest and violence, fleeing with his family as a young boy in 1984 on…

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Father Hugging Son Sitting On Steps Outside Home

A Look Back at 2017

2017 was an exciting year for Wayfinder, with a number of things to celebrate. Here are some of our highlights: More than 1 million hours of critical services provided 94% of our students with a single disability met their individual goals Merged with Concept 7 and expended into foster family and adoption services 31% increase…

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Evelyn holds her daughter, Josie

How Evelyn Met Her Daughter

I see her every morning, running to me, saying ‘Mommy, mommy, good morning, I love you.’ That doesn’t have a price.” —Evelyn Josie was exposed to drugs in the womb and was placed in the care of a foster family at birth. At age 1, Josie joined Wayfinder Family Services’ early intervention program. She couldn’t…

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Sophia and Kwame Morris present the Stevie Wonder Star Student award to Lillyannah Russo at Wayfinder's annual Children's Holiday Carnival

A WONDERful Family

The legendary Stevie Wonder loves to celebrate the holiday season with the children and families of Wayfinder Family Services. His children, Sophia and Kwame Morris, carried the Wonder family tradition in 2017, presenting Wayfinder student Lillyannah Russo with the Stevie Wonder Star Student Award at our annual Children’s Holiday Carnival. Thank you to the Wonder…

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