Cerebral Visual Impairment

Learn more about Cerebral Visual Impairment, the most common cause of visual impairment in children. This information is brought to you by Wayfinder’s Blind Babies Foundation program,which has been offering early intervention services to children with visual impairments and their families for 70 years. Follow #WayfinderRecommends and @wayfinderfamily on Twitter and Facebook during #BlindnessAwarenessMonth for resources and information from our program experts!

BOOK: Vision and the Brain: Understanding Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children

Amazon | American Printing House for the Blind

“Cerebral Visual Impairment, also known as Cortical Visual Impairment, has become the most common cause of visual impairment in children in the United States and the developed world.  Vision and the Brain is a unique and comprehensive sourcebook of current knowledge about CVI and best practices for working with affected children.  Expert contributors from many countries illuminate the complexities of vision loss related to brain injury and neurological causes and provide readers with approaches to assessment and intervention.”

WEBSITE: CVI Scotland:  Information about Cerebral Visual Impairment: (International)

Recommended by Wayfinder’s Blind Babies Foundation CVI Consultant, and Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) Member, Amanda Hall-Lueck, PhD; with Dr. Gordon Dutton, an Advisor on the CVI Scotland Team, the website is “designed to be owned by those affected by CVI, and grow with them.  At CVI Scotland we are devoted to helping people understand cerebral visual impairments, and together working towards beginning to master this complex spectrum of conditions.….The information has been written by parents, but with support and advice from multiple professionals including ophthalmologists (eye surgeons), scientists and highly experienced specialist teachers of the visually impaired.”

October 8, 2019

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