My Heart Melted

TJ is an adorable 18-month-old boy with a big personality. He is sociable, friendly and determined. When he was born, he gave his parents, Katharine and Tra’Len, a big surprise. Their baby was blond, with light eyes. Everyone in the family has dark hair and eyes.

They learned that TJ had a form of albinism, a rare, inherited condition, characterized by a lack of pigment in his skin, hair and eyes. It also affects his sight. “His eyes move randomly and rapidly,” Katharine says.

Initially, his parents feared TJ was blind. Katharine was holding him when he was
8 weeks old, and he looked right at her,
into her eyes. She knew he could see her. “My heart melted,” she says. 

Katharine and Tra’Len were not prepared for TJ’s albinism. They wanted to do everything they could for their baby boy, but they lacked information. They did not know what TJ’s condition would mean for their family or their son’s future. “I felt loneliness at first,” Katharine remembers, “because we didn’t know anyone who was going through this.
I want to protect him from all the things
that might happen in the world.”

After a geneticist confirmed TJ’s diagnosis, Katharine sought information from a national organization for albinism. She learned that early intervention would help with TJ’s balance and development.

That’s when Katharine turned to Wayfinder’s Child Development Services.
The program assists babies and young children with visual or multiple disabilities
in achieving developmental milestones.

TJ began working weekly with one of our specialists, Bertha. His vision is better than expected, Bertha reports. “The concern is his hand-eye coordination and seeing fast-moving objects,” she says. Bertha kicks small lighted blocks around so TJ can practice following their movements. They stack blocks and do other activities to improve his hand-eye coordination.  

“TJ is really active,” says Bertha. “He’s walking, climbing and jumping. He doesn’t trip over objects.”

“I feel like Wayfinder has been a guiding light for our family,” Katharine says. “Wayfinder provided us with support, clarity and confidence to navigate the road ahead.”

Katharine and Tra’Len don’t feel alone anymore. “We started services when our baby was about 6 months old, and since then we’ve been connected to the community and resources of Wayfinder,” says Katharine. “The family events are also amazing, and we bring our daughter along so she can connect with other siblings. Wayfinder means community.”

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December 27, 2024

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