TJ Has a Circle of Support

TJ is a happy one-year-old with a big personality. He makes new friends every time he meets someone.

He was also diagnosed with oculocutaneous albinism. It’s a rare, inherited condition that means his skin, hair, and eyes are all light. It also affects his sight.

TJ’s condition is rare – only one person in 20,000 is born with it. So when he was born, his parents were surprised. He looked nothing like his big sister!

TJ’s dancing eyes
Along with his albinism, TJ was also born with nystagmus – his eyes move randomly. His mom refers to them as “dancing eyes.” So he needs intervention now, while his brain and eyes are developing, to help with his balance and make sure he’s developing well.

Katharine and Tra’Len were not prepared. They wanted to do everything they could for their baby boy, but they lacked information. They did not know what T.J.’s condition would mean for their family or their son’s future. “I felt loneliness at first,” Katharine remembers, “because we didn’t know anyone who was going through this. I want to protect him from all the things that might happen in the world.”

But children like TJ are why we’re here. Thanks to you, we can provide the information and specialists to help TJ navigate his world.

Katharine found Wayfinder Family Services after contacting the National Organization for albinism. They paired her with another mom, who sent her to us.

A circle of support
TJ now has regular visits from Bertha, his Wayfinder specialist. TJ is happy to see her and they get along wonderfully. And his family knows he’ll need special help as he grows.
But they’re hopeful about his future. “I feel like Wayfinder has been a guiding light for our family,” Katharine says. “Wayfinder provided us with support, clarity, and confidence to navigate the road ahead.”

Katharine and Tra-len don’t feel alone anymore. “We started services when our baby was about 6 months old, and since then we’ve been connected to the community and resources of Wayfinder,” says Katharine. “The family events are also amazing, and we bring our daughter along so she can connect with other siblings. Wayfinder means community.”

But the help TJ receives from Wayfinder is only possible because of you. Your generosity and caring means a little boy like TJ gets the help he needs as early as possible. You give children like TJ the best chance at a full, happy life.

Your gifts are a circle of support that surrounds so many of our families. You are changing lives! Thank you. Please consider a gift today!

November 18, 2024