Adaptive Sports

Wayfinder’s recreation services offer adaptive sports experiences for children, youth and adults who are blind or visually impaired. Join us and discover a new activity!


Goalball is a Paralympic team sport for athletes who are blind or visually impaired. In goalball, a member of a three-person team rolls a ball toward the opposite goal while the other team tries to stop it from reaching the net. The ball has embedded bells that jingle as it moves. Wayfinder Family Services partners up with the Organization for the Physically Impaired (OPI) for Goalball clinics throughout the year.

Athletes of all abilities ages 12 and up, including adults, are welcome to practice, play and/or learn to coach! No previous experience required. Sighted siblings, friends and family are also welcome to join as volunteers. This program is free of charge to all participants and volunteers, but registration is required.

Sports supplies and safety equipment will be provided. Please dress comfortably, close toe shoes are required and bring your own water. No food or beverages will be provided.

You can see upcoming dates, times and location here and register as a participant or volunteer below.