Family Finding, Engagement and Support Services

Children and Family Services > Family Finding, Engagement and Support Services Program

Family Finding connects youth in foster care to extended family or other people close to the child, such as godparents or family friends. Our goal is to develop supportive, meaningful relationships for youth so that each child has a network of caring adults who provide lifelong support.

Our Family Finding social workers conduct exhaustive searches of public records, online resources and more to find extended family who are willing to be part of a youth’s life. Some extended family may be interested in providing the youth with a permanent home. Family Finding social workers coordinate contacts for children with these relatives and friends to build trust and connections. At the close of family finding, each foster youth has a complete picture of their extended family and which of them are willing to offer support.

Some youth in foster care think their extended family has forgotten them. But family may not know how to search for the child or even that the child is in foster care. Family finding can restore broken connections between youth and extended family and maintain important relationships.

Without meaningful connections and a permanent home, too many former foster youth lack a high school diploma, are unemployed or experience mental health issues. To establish realistic, safe options for permanency, family finding specialists collaborate with youth, family members, foster or potential adoptive parents, child welfare agencies and Native American tribes as appropriate. Wayfinder believes in preserving and supporting families in every way possible to promote the best outcomes for children.


  • Fewer moves and greater stability for youth when living with extended family while in out-of-home care
  • Improved mental and physical health for youth
  • Better long-term outcomes as adults in education, employment and long-term health

Cases are referred to us through county partners. We do not offer Family Finding services to individuals who are not referred to us.