Shannon Turner

Program Director
Shannon Turner has worked for Wayfinder/Lilliput for 1 year bringing over 22 years’ experience in Child Welfare. In the beginning of her career she helped opened private school and served as the Director she also created the curriculum that is currently used today. Shannon currently serves as the Program Director for Supervised Visitation and Coaching Services in Yolo and San Joaquin county.
Shannon has worked with Arizona’s Child Protective Services (investigations unit) and served as Director of a Foster Care and Adoptions Agency serving over 300 children & supervising a team of 24 staff members including overseen 18 group homes bed rate billing. Shannon has served as a board member with the YWCA, and has donated her time at a women’s and children’s homeless shelters as the social worker on staff and taught a Women’s Heath and Emotional Healing class in a women’s correctional facility.
Shannon Holds an MSW from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio.